Happy New Year!
A Southern Belle must make sure she's on top of things, and she's always looking for ways to improve her life while making things better around her. A sure way to do that is to set goals. Here are a few tips that can help you set and achieve your goals for 2015 and beyond!
1. Be realistic-- It's okay to dream, and in fact, you should. But dream with your head in the clouds (for creativity and inspiration) and your feet on the ground (to steady yourself so you stay focused).
2. Define Outcomes-- Be specific about what kind of outcome or impact you want to achieve. Will accomplishing your goal(s) result in increased income, weight loss, job/career advancement, improved health, etc.? Knowing this will help you manage your priorities.
3. Create a timetable-- Never mistake activity for achievement. You can be busy doing a whole lot of nothing! Establish a timetable by which you would like to achieve your goal(s). This will keep you on schedule and help you become more efficient.
4. Develop a budget-- Whether your goal(s) will require out of pocket expenses or your time/human capital, it's an expenditure, and you need to account for it.
5. Delegate-- Ask for help! You don't have to do everything yourself. Work hard on the things that are within your control and delegate tasks to others who can assist you in reaching your goal(s).
Abundant Blessings for a Fabulous New Year!
Trice Hickman